
Course -Tapatio Springs Hill Country Resort

Golf Course


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 2024 Texas-Mexico Cup

Format of Play and Tournament Information

Play is governed by the 2019 Rules of Golf issued by the USGA, and where applicable, by Local Rules.  The Committee is responsible for oversight, including the USGA Rules of Golf.  The Committee consists of the Mexico Team Captain Polo Lopez, the Texas Team Captain Robert Valero, and the Head Rules’ Official Kay Dalke.  All decisions made by the Committee are final.


Day One – Four-Ball Match Play – Two-man teams play Better Ball (Rule 30)

Day Two – Foursomes Match Play – Two-man teams play Alternate Shot (Rule 29)

Day Three  – Singles – 18 holes of Match Play (Rule 2)

The 2023 TEXAS-MEXICO CUP consists of a total of  approx 108 matches. All team members will participate in all three formats of play. The order of play on the first tee is determined by the Committee.

Tee Times: Day One and Day Two will be split tees off Hole #1 and #10.  Tee times for Day One will be available the day before the event.  Day Two and Three will be available approximately three hour after all matches are completed for the day.  Day Three will be a 8:30 a.m. shotgun start.( Revised)


Four Ball Match Play: Two team members play as Partners, each playing his own ball.  Four balls are in play each hole with each of the four players recording a score on the hole. The lower score of the Partners is the score for the hole. If one partner fails to complete the play of a hole, there is no penalty. A hole is won by the team that holes its better ball in fewer strokes.  Should the two teams tie for best score, the hole is halved. Score is kept by the number of holes up (won) and the number of holes to play. When a side is up (winning) by more holes than holes remaining, the match is CLOSED OUT and a point is awarded.

Foursomes Match Play: Two team members play as Partners.  Each must play alternately from the teeing grounds and alternately during the play of each hole. Penalty strokes do not affect the Order of Play.  One Partner will tee off on odd-numbered holes and the other will tee off on even-numbered holes.  The order on the teeing grounds cannot be changed once the first player has put a ball in play.  A hole is won by the team that holes its ball in fewer strokes. Score is kept by the number of holes up (won) and the number of holes to play. When a side is up (winning) by more holes than holes remaining, the match is CLOSED OUT and a point is awarded.

Singles Match Play: Individual team members play against each other and a hole is won by the player that holes his ball in fewer strokes. Score is kept by the number of holes up (won) and the number of holes to play.  When a player is up (winning) by more holes than holes remaining, the match IS CLOSED OUT and a point is awarded.

Concessions: In all three formats of play, a stroke, hole, or an entire match can be conceded at any time prior to the conclusion of the hole or the match. Concession of a stroke, hole, or match may not be declined or withdrawn.

Claims: In any form of Match Play, if a doubt or dispute arises between the players, a player may make a claim.  If no rules official is available within a reasonable time, the players MUST continue the match without delay.  The Committee may consider a claim only if it has been made in a timely manner and if the player making the claim has notified his opponent at that time that he is making a claim or wants a ruling.  Rule 3-3 – Two ball rule may NOT be applied in Match Play (Rule 2-5).  NOTE: A player may disregard a breach of the Rules by his opponent provided there is no agreement by the sides to waive a Rule (Rule 1-3).

Scoring/Ties/Team Points: One point is awarded for each match won no matter which format is played.  If the match is tied or “halved” through the predetermined number of holes to play (either 9 or 18), each team receives one half of a point.  All tied matches at end of each format will remain tied, with each team receiving one-half point.  The Texas-Mexico Cup includes 108 matches. A total of 108 points are awarded in the Texas-Mexico Cup competition. One point is awarded for each match won.  The side with the most points at the conclusion of the Cup matches wins the Cup.  In the event each team receiving 54 points resulting in a tie for the overall Texas-Mexico Cup, the defending champion will retain the Cup.  The runner-up from the previous year will need to score 54½ in order to win the Cup.

Pairings: Each Team Captain submits the Order of Play for his team to the appointed tournament official. The lists from each Captain are matched resulting in the pairings and the Committee will post the pairings. Please note that the no changes may be made to the pairings after they are posted.  

Caddies: Caddies are allowed for all age groups.  Players are responsible for the actions of their Caddies.  Only one Caddie is allowed per player.  Because of Pace of Play rules, pre-shot discussions must be kept to a minimum.  Caddies will be allowed to ride in a cart if needed.  If carts are restricted to “cart path only” due to weather, Caddies will need to keep up the Pace of Play.  NOTE: Caddies can ride in a cart and carry the Player’s clubs.  Two Caddies for two separate Players may share a cart.  However, ONLY Caddies can ride in the cart.  Players and other spectators cannot ride in the same cart as a Caddie.  Doing so constitutes having more than one Caddy.  Spectators who wish to ride in a cart will need to rent a separate cart for their use.  The penalty for spectator riding with a Caddy during play of the hole is a loss of hole for the spectator’s side unless there are unusual circumstances.

Transporting Players: All Players may be transported between holes as long as they ride with a Caddy, course volunteer or Rules Official if available.  No spectators may transport players.  The penalty for a Player who rides with a spectator is one stroke applied to the next hole for that individual Player.

Parents/Spectators: Parents and spectators should not walk onto the fairway of any hole during play.  They may approach the green as needed to observe, but must always stay a reasonable distance.  They may NOT go onto any green at any time.  Parents/Spectators are not to have contact with Players and should not give Players their snacks/drinks at any time.  Players should have those items in their bag/cart.  Captains and their assistants may hand out snacks/drinks at any time.  Parents and spectators who violate this rule will be warned.  Any further warnings will result in loss of hole for the team they are associated with for each occurrence.  If for a known medical reason a parent must be involved with a Player during play, please advise the Head Rules Official before the tournament begins.  If a medical situation arises during play, parents are definitely encouraged to help take care of their child.  Searching for Balls:  Parents are encouraged to look for balls but not to tell the location of the ball before the Player has attempted to look for the ball.  Please keep discussion to a minimum.  Any advice given during this time will result in loss of hole for that team if that person giving advice is associated with that side.

Conduct: Unsportsmanlike conduct, including abusive language, cheating, club throwing, disrespect to volunteers, official or opponents, or abuse of golf course property will NOT be tolerated, and failure to treat host golf course with respect by ignoring the responsibility of caring for the course, fixing divots and ball marks.  Parents and spectators are also subject to the policies that fall under their control including abusive language, disrespect or arguing with volunteers, Rules Official, Players or other parents and spectators.

Player/Caddie Penalties: One stroke penalty for each act of unsportsmanlike behavior on the course.  Based on the severity of the infraction, the Rules Official may give a warning and no penalty stroke.  Once a penalty stroke has been given, the next infraction (second) will result in loss of hole for that side.  A third infraction will again be loss of hole.  The fourth infraction will result in Player disqualification for the rest of that match, and based on severity and circumstances, may not be allowed to participate in any other matches.  All warnings and penalties carry over until the tournament is over.  Parent/Spectator Penalties:  Based on the severity, the parent/spectator may first receive a warning.  Any second warning will result in removal from the course for the rest of the day.  A third warning will result in removal from course and the spectator will not be allowed back on the course for the remainder of the tournament.


Clothing – Players/Caddies/Parents/Spectators/Volunteers: Appropriate attire at the golf course must be worn at all times during the competition and practice rounds.  If a shirt does not have a collar, it must be appropriate for a nice golf course and also be modest.  Cutoffs, short shorts (must have at least a five inch inseam) and jeans are not permitted.  If you have a question about appropriate guidelines, please ask a Team Captain or the Head Rules Official.


Measuring Devices: GPS or other measuring devices are allowed.  If the device has slope or other content on it, it must not be used during the tournament.  All functions may be used during practice sessions unless they delay play.

Scoring: Groups will have official scorers.  The Players and Caddies are the only ones allowed as official scorers during tournament play.  Spectators are not official scorers except when appointed by the Committee to score a group.

Rules Officials: Rules Officials will be on the course.  They will only get involved with a group if they see that help is needed, a Player,  Captain or Assistant Captain request for the Official to get involved, if they see a violation of conduct or spectator involvement that is not allowed.  Officials will be identified by markings on their cart, special clothing, nametags, and will have a radio.  Volunteers, parents, and spectators cannot and should not be asked to help with rulings.  If you receive improper information from someone other than an Official, you will be subject to the penalty for the improper procedure.